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I am realizing a life-long dream in creating my business, Let Your Soul Breathe. My passion & care for people runs deep! I want to make a positive difference and help reduce toxic stress in our society. If we can find positive ways to manage our stress, we can do our best work in the world! After personally experiencing many years of chronic pain, illness, loss and trauma, I made a conscious decision to live my life to the fullest, while helping others do the same. I believe that chronic stress is the number 1 cause of our world's negative experiences! So, I decided to live my purpose by helping people in a current state of stress find relaxation and purpose. I also work with teachers & students to bring mindfulness and life skills programs to schools. If we proactively teach our children how to manage their emotions in a healthy way, they can truly live in the joy of creation as intended. Learn to Let Your Soul Breathe and watch your life change for the better! Are You Stressed Out? Do You Need More Peace in Your Life? Do You Want to Discover Your Life’s Purpose? Join us as we explore ways to manage your stress, and proactively help our children & grandchildren manage their stress, to avoid the same toxic mistakes we've made holding on to our pain. Sending peace, love and light y'all! :) xoxo
Please spread the word and share with someone you love! Like us on Facebook, engage on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel to enjoy our free vlogs. Your feedback helps improve client experiences, so please share! Thank you for taking the time to explore and support our mission! :) xoxo
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Bonnie Alaine Rigsby is the Director of Sunshine, Heart and Spiritual Connections! She teaches her clients how to manage their stress in positive ways, resulting in spiritual balance and purpose. She reunites people with the positive in their lives and the joy in their hearts. She guides others to follow their passions and celebrate their
Bonnie Alaine Rigsby is the Director of Sunshine, Heart and Spiritual Connections! She teaches her clients how to manage their stress in positive ways, resulting in spiritual balance and purpose. She reunites people with the positive in their lives and the joy in their hearts. She guides others to follow their passions and celebrate their authentic selves. She inspires others to honor their own unique “soul prints” while manifesting the lives they want.
Bonnie is certified in the art of Japanese Reiki Energy Healing and Intuitive Guidance and is an experienced Life Coach. Bonnie studied at The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, to enhance and refine her skillsets. She combines the healing energy of Reiki, Aromatherapy, Psychological Acupressure (EFT/tapping), Intuitive Guidance, Sound & Crystal Healing, Life Coaching, and various Stress Management skills, to help transform people’s lives for the better. She provides consultation services to help young students learn crucial life skills. Her goal is to facilitate the creation of mindfulness, meditation and stress management curriculums in Elementary Schools. She envisions the youngest generations breaking the chains of violence, mental illness and disease, replacing them with love, joy, Divine purpose, creation, community and human kindness. She teaches people to let their souls breathe so they can fulfill their Divine purpose
Intention is everything! Setting a specific goal or intention and training your mind and heart to work together are the keys to success! Everyone we know longs to find their Divine purpose. Our experience has taught us that it's crucial to quiet the mind chatter consistently, using focused efforts and regular meditation. It takes time, bu
Intention is everything! Setting a specific goal or intention and training your mind and heart to work together are the keys to success! Everyone we know longs to find their Divine purpose. Our experience has taught us that it's crucial to quiet the mind chatter consistently, using focused efforts and regular meditation. It takes time, but once you master calming your mind and opening your heart, spirit speaks. Then you can tune in to listen, and can discover your purpose. Sometimes it helps to have an objective, unbiased partner to guide you "out of your own way!" We're here to listen to your intentions and desires, clear the background noise and help you tap into your own inner guidance system (intuition) to get you where you want to be. We offer our time and energy to be your partner on your desired journey. We can help you meet your goals, and we believe in you! :)
It's a known fact that the Holistic Healing industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade. This is great news for all of us! We believe this means that we're coming back around to focusing on our spiritual sides, rather than focusing on the negativity and material side of our world that blocks our paths. If you choose us as
It's a known fact that the Holistic Healing industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade. This is great news for all of us! We believe this means that we're coming back around to focusing on our spiritual sides, rather than focusing on the negativity and material side of our world that blocks our paths. If you choose us as your Coach/Guide/Holistic Practitioner/Stress Management Expert, you can be assured that we'll provide you with opportunities for inspiration, connection, peace, purpose and comfort. Our individualized approach focuses on what best serves you, in your current state of being. Our unique service combinations and pricing allows you to experience more than one method /modality during your session for one fixed price (Spiritual Event/Soulwriting and products for purchase are priced separately). We charge one rate no matter what modalities you choose to experience! Most Holistic Practitioners charge full price per method/modality. We believe that it optimally serves you to experience various modalities, so that you can choose what works best for your own unique needs. After all, you must be exposed to different methods to know what works best for you! We make it more cost effective by allowing you these experiences. In addition, our session pricing is for 1 hour and 30 minutes, versus the industry standard of 1 hour. This gives you more bang for your buck and more opportunities for focused healing energy!
We help reduce stress and negativity, restoring inner peace so that our clients can discover and fulfill their Divine purpose. We educate clients, providing therapeutic tools and healing experiences, enhanced compassionate care and support, while integrating holistic, alternative therapies like Reiki and Tapping to heal past wounds. We coach and empower our clients to positively manage their emotions. We inspire clients to discover their own unique, Divine gifts & purpose, while living an authentic life, where they can “rock their genuine vibes” without fear. We help heal and balance the mind, body and spirit, while motivating all to practice love and kindness. We proactively educate young students to learn crucial life skills, in order to avoid chronic stress, and help free humanity from the mental illness, Depression and violence that plagues our society. We help you to Let Your Soul Breathe, so that you can do your best work.
We help provide Stress Management tools so that you can live your best life!
We visualize a world where humanity has healthy emotional, mental, physical, spiritual reactions and coping skills that lead to joyful, productive, healthy lives. We see a world free from cancer, mental illness, pain, violence, suicide, Depression and other damaging illnesses that are caused by chronic stress. We can see teachers around the world teaching life skills programs (meditation, mindfulness, stress management, gardening, money management, manifestation, managing emotions) in Elementary School classrooms as a mandatory curriculum. We forecast a world where people are living happy, healthy, pain-free lives, filled with love, kindness and a shared sense of community. We see the next generations displaying the power of their Divine spiritual connections, and knowing the importance of staying connected, while celebrating their unique, spirit-filled soul prints. We see humanity managing their stress in a positive way, avoiding disease, understanding our fellow man and living their Divine purpose in service to others. We see everyone celebrating and thriving in uniqueness and love. We can clearly witness the generational cycles of joyful purpose and positive action as the human race has learned how to transform themselves back into the Divine beings of light that they were created to be. Our education, healing and inspiration have resulted in a society of reconnection with their genuine, highest selves and love “Source.” Our brothers and sisters around the world are able to manifest their greatest desires, and live a joyful life of creation, while honoring the beauty of our Earth and each other. Our worldwide culture has abandoned anything that does not serve our collective highest good. People are creating, thriving, healthy, happy and filled with love and kindness towards one another. We see humanity letting their souls breathe daily, avoiding negativity and eliminating stress-related illnesses. Humanity is free from the negative effects of fear, worry and guilt and is using their God-given healing tools daily to overcome challenges without negatively affecting others.
Our Vision describes where we want to be, and the impact we want to have on our world; A world free from mental illness, suicide, chronic illness, disease and Depression!
We empower you to be your best self in all aspects of life. We provide friendly and constructive advice to help you reach your full potential. We give you tools that you can use on your own at home to continue your growth and progress.
We will help you manage your stress so you can focus on your goals. Your life choices are important! You have the potential to choose your path. We'll provide suggestions on how you can reach your goals and re-discover peace in your life. We encourage you to reach for the sky!
Life can be stressful! We'll help provide various holistic healing tools to eliminate negativity and mental clutter that tends to get in the way of progress. We want to help you maximize your personal and professional relationships. We'll teach you how to give yourself the treasured gifts of time and peace. Your commitment to positive change will result in spiritual growth.
Being the "GLUE" of the family ends here!!!
1st Place "Gold Canyon Strong" Contest Winner -
"What I Love About Gold Canyon" - Video Poem
I was so honored to be recognized for my poem honoring the special small town where I live! I hope you enjoy watching me rock my genuine vibe :)
I am honored to be featured in our local Arizona newspaper, highlighting the mission of Let Your Soul Breathe LLC. WOOHOO! :)
Learn more about our belief system and motivation behind helping others in this Canvas Rebel article. Here's the link
Learn more about our why...Here's the link
We're honored to be a contributor to improved mental health for our teens! I Am Teen Strong AZ has featured our article "Rocking Your Authentic Vibe" Here's the link - I hope you find empowerment, strength, and are reminded that you're never alone in your journey!
I Am Teen Strong AZ has featured our article "Rocking Your Authentic Vibe" Here's the link to part 2 of the article - Click find out more below to learn more about suicide prevention through
Copyright © 2018 Let Your Soul Breathe - All Rights Reserved.
Let All That You Do Be Done With Love, Mother Teresa
My sessions are not intended as a medical treatment or diagnosis of any kind! Suggestions given are NOT to be considered a prescription. Bonnie Rigsby is NOT a licensed physician. She simply provides stress management services, life/spirit coaching and uses holistic practices to balance energies. Any advice given is a result of proven solutions that she or others have found that worked for them. Not everything works for everyone.
There are NO guarantees for healing or cures to diseases or illnesses.